[MLB-WIRELESS] Minitars & bridging

Nick Sibbing nick.sibbing at arts.monash.edu.au
Tue May 11 15:38:44 EST 2004

Gday All

I'm setting up a point to point link to a nearby house and I'm looking
to do it with a couple of minitar aps

First some basic questions to make sure I'm on the right tram.

Does "bridge mode" mean that 2 aps will only talk to each other to the
exclusion of others? Does this offer extra security when setting up a
point to point link? I also assume brige mode is simpler for ip
allocation purposes.

Is bridge mode relevant or are WEP and VPN more relevant as far as
security goes?

I notice the minitar offers a "WDS Bridge Mode (Repeater Mode)" which
seems to be bridge and AP at once. Is this not really a bridge then but
just marketing? Can the minitars be set to true bridge mode?

I like the minitars as they are cheap, small and run on 12v but just
wondered what limitations if any they have?

Regards Nick Sibbing

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