[MLB-WIRELESS] Re: [Syd-Wireless] SSID

andrewg at d2.net.au andrewg at d2.net.au
Mon Mar 8 17:20:09 EST 2004

> |  Hi guys, question for you, why would someone want more than 1 ssid on
> an
> |  access point?
> |  Colubris Networks, a strong competitor in the heavy Wi-Fi access point
> |  market, has launched a new architecture that lets up to 16 different
> |  SSIDs share a single AP infrastructure, while offering access to end
> |  users as if these APs were physically separate.
> |  I've been told that new Nortel and Netcomm also come with multiple SSID
> |  as well.

Does it do seperate channels, or all on the same channel?

> Dean,
> Mark was playing around with this on some Cisco kit a few months ago and
> was
> thinking the same thing.
> Best I could come up with?
> a - set up on SSID as broadcasting, DHCP, goes absolutely nowhere
> (basically
> a honeypot)
>       set up another SSID thats not broadcasting, no DHCP and actually
> gets
> you thru to the main network.
> People will stumble, get an IP, go, oh, nothing there, and move on having
> no
> idea theres a complete network on there as well.

Depends how they "stumble" it. Kismet for example will see both fine (if
there is traffic). Actually, it might be implementation dependant... does
the base station id change?

- andrewg

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