[MLB-WIRELESS] http://www.woznet.com.au

Steven Haigh netwiz at crc.id.au
Thu Jun 17 15:46:01 EST 2004

Is this still alive? I can't get to the site... The Age's version of a /.? :)

Michael Borthwick said:
> Today's Green Guide carried an ad for a mob called
> http://www.woznet.com.au offering free wifi from a (currently very
> small) range of city bars and restaurants.
> Their web site has an incredibly sucky Flash animation (with sound!)
> [very 1998] on *every* page but no details as to who is behind the
> business.
> The business model appears to be that the bar owner pays woznet to
> provide the hotspot and receives customer goodwill/increased custom in
> return.
> Not sure how you prevent other business from cashing in on the goodwill.
> Or perhaps http://www.woznet.com.au are doing it all for free to raise
> their profile and sell wireless consulting and strategy.
> P.S. Not be confused with Steve Wozniak's wireless venture of the same
> name...
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Steven Haigh

I am root. If you see me laughing, you'd better have a backup.

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