[MLB-WIRELESS] OT: Syringes in Melbourne Warning

James Healy jimmy at deefa.com
Fri Jun 11 10:13:19 EST 2004

Wireless Syringes?


James "Atreidae": Arber wrote:
> I dont like posting "foward these on messages" but this seems to be
> becomming a problem.
> From: Red Cross Blood Service
> A few weeks ago in a movie theatre in Melbourne a person sat on something
> that was poking out of one of the seats. When she got up to see what it was
> she found a needle sticking out of the seat with a note attached saying a
> quote; You have just been infected by HIV;. The Disease control Centre in
> Melbourne reports many similar incidents have occurred in many other
> Australian cities recently. All tested needles are HIV Positive.
> The Centre also reports that needles have been found in the cash dispensers
> in ATMs. We ask everyone to use extreme caution when faced with this kind of
> situation. All public chairs/seats should be inspected with vigilance and
> caution before use. 17 people have been tested positive in the Western
> suburbs alone in the last 2 months!!! A careful visual inspection should be
> enough.
> In addition they ask that each of you pass this message along to all members
> of your family and your friends of the potential danger. We all have to be
> careful at public places! This is very important. Just think about saving a
> life of someone even you don't know by forwarding this message. Please, take
> a few seconds of your time to pass it along.
> Australian Red Cross Blood Service
> Ph: (08) 94212877
> Fax: (08) 94212366
> E-mail: rbates at arcbs.redcross.org.au
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vinger-slingers ur to smacken-backen und fix de morkin, yoobetcha!"
                            - The Sweedish Chef.

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