Tony Langdon (ATC) tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Wed Jun 2 09:07:41 EST 2004

> > The sources are about 80 meg all up, too big for me to host 
> anywhere. 
> > Maybe I could just release a patch against the original 
> Linksys code 
> > instead? (Any instructions on how to do this would be appreciated!)
> You may have to be careful about licensing issues, is the 
> code released under 
> an open source license (e.g. GPL, BSD, CPL, MPL, etc) ?

I've offered Ben some space, which I will add the condition that I will only
host it if either of the following is true:

1.  The source is distrinuted under an open source licence that permits it
to be put up on the web.


2.  Ben owns the copyright to all of the code and will give me permission to
redistribute it.

#1 is the preferred option, but either will suffice.

Just want to cover legal bases here. :)

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