Donovan Baarda abo at minkirri.apana.org.au
Fri Jul 23 17:03:59 EST 2004

On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 03:34:11PM +1000, Steven Haigh wrote:
> Decent quality VoIP (of any nature) needs 64kbps minimum before people
> start to notice the difference between telephone and VoIP...
> Most commercial setups are based on 64Kbps - not exactly sure of the codec
> used however... Bottom line: unless you have more than 64kbps, VoIP will
> probably suck :P

ISDN and the digital exchanges all use 64K per voice channel. However,
there has been talk that in theory digital exchanges could use lossy
compression on "voice" calls (which would break things like DOV and
56K modems) with no noticeable loss in voice quality. I think some of
the line sharing tricks Telstra has been known to use that prevent
ISDN and ADSL connections in some areas (estates etc) do something

So 64kbps, although currently standard for voice, is probably not the
minimum for voice. Current codecs are better than that :-)

Donovan Baarda                http://minkirri.apana.org.au/~abo/

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