[MLB-WIRELESS] Providing free *real* internet access to the community...

Rowan Crowe rowan at sensation.net.au
Sun Jul 18 16:46:09 EST 2004

I'm almost at the stage where I can start setting up a system that will
provide free internet access to anyone who can associate with my AP. The
idea is to let others share in my "unused" ISP transfer each month. My
current DSL plan has a 24Gb download limit each month, and I consistently
use less than 2Gb per month.

I have asked my ISP whether noncommercial sharing of the DSL is permitted.
Their T&C has a policy about "no reselling" but I am not sure whether that
term would be applicable in this case. I figure it's better to do the
right thing and get a proper answer, rather than assuming they won't ever
find out. :)

Although the access will be free, there will still be costs of course...
setting up the AP outdoors with a suitable antenna will probably set me
back at least $500. I was thinking of asking people who use the service
regularly for donations to help cover capital equipment costs (upgrades,
repairs etc), but with the actual internet access being completely free to
satisfy ACA non commercial regulations.

The access would be provided on a no fee/no guarantee basis. If the ACA
regs change, or the ISP decides it's no longer fair to share the love
around, then I shut it down.

I'm still trying to decide whether to provide unrestricted (unfirewalled)
access, or limit it to basic services like HTTP and SMTP only. As a
pseudo-ISP I would probably have to assume some liability for what the
users do with my link.

Looks like this sort of thing is reasonably common in the US, has anyone
around here tried this?


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