[MLB-WIRELESS] Minitar configuration advice...

Donovan Baarda abo at minkirri.apana.org.au
Tue Jul 6 02:23:27 EST 2004


I have a server and LAN with a DHCP server on it. I want to plug a minitar
AP into it, and have another  "client mode" minitar AP pass through the DHCP
configuration to two workstations. I'd also like wireless laptop clients to
be DHCP configured.

According to the following URL, the minitar's can't pass through DHCP;


They suggest using the DHCP server on the minitar for wireless clients
instead. My DHCP server is configured to serve up all sorts of hoopy extra
stuff like proxy auto-configuration, ntp-servers, wins, etc. I'd kinda miss
this functionality if I had to use the minitar DHCP server.

Is there any hints or recommendations as to how to configure something like
this? I currently am routing the subnet over my ethernet so I
can configure devices like the minitar, but have other subnets I'd prefer to
use for client machines. Does the minitar need to have it's own IP address
in my preferred subnets to route them, or can I leave it at

I'm currently thinking the following (Outlook ASCII art warning: I can't get
this F*&#er to use fixed fonts);

  DHCP                     DHCP
 .16-.23                 .24-.31
  server ---|----- minitar (AP mode) ~~~ minitar (AP
            |                         ~                        |
            |---workstation           ~~ laptop

This way my existing DHCP server serves up .16 through .23 to the "local
lan", and the minitar DHCP server serves up .24 through .31 to wireless
laptops and workstations on the "remote lan".

The minitar has a heap of modes that don't mean much to me... perhaps there
is some combination of modes that could do this better?

Donovan Baarda                http://minkirri.apana.org.au/~abo/

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