[MLB-WIRELESS] OT: network webcam?

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 26 13:30:50 EST 2004

I have gotten USB to work to a maximum length of 12 metres.  I used a Belden 
data cable with two pairs, a foil shield and a drain wire.  Any longer than 
12 metres didn't work.  With USB it does matter what type of cable you use.  
I tried to use shielded single-piar heavy-duty microphone cable to run USB 
data and the max. length I got was about 8 metres.

As far as running a USB webcam over Cat 5 - you can get USB extenders that 
extend the USB signal over a Cat5 cable.  Here's an example:
and another
The one from downtown costs $119.

The above examples are not an Ethernet solution however.  They simply extend 
USB to plug into a PC's USB port.  I know of no simple device that connects 
a USB device to a Ethernet LAN.  The ASUS WL-500g has USB Host ports, 
meaning you can plug webcams into it.
It is a wireless router, and runs Linux Inside (TM).  Possibly a bit 
expensive and complicated for what you want to do though.

>From: "Winder" <winder at iinet.net.au>
>To: <joe.hovel at med.monash.edu.au>, <melbwireless at melbournewireless.org.au>
>Subject: RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] OT: network webcam?
>Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:06:42 +1000
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>Hey Joe,
>  I'm looking at doing something like this, to put a camera ontop of my 
>I'm wondering if a USB webcam and a USB print server would do the trick.
>Either that or I find a way to get USB to work over 10 meters....
>g at z.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au
>[mailto:owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au]On Behalf Of Joe Hovel
>Sent: Wednesday, 25 August 2004 11:31 PM
>To: melbwireless at melbournewireless.org.au
>Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] OT: network webcam?
>This is slightly off-topic, but if read in connection with an AP, could 
>as easily be suitable as wireless webcam :)
>I wish to set up a webcam to monitor a nesting box on my property. For
>various reasons I would prefer to run a CAT5 cable there with POE, but may
>consider a wireless solution (given that I already have a wireless LAN 
>sometime in the future (solar power etc issues to be solved...).
>Nonetheless, can someone give me some ideas where to start? I have several
>USB and parallel port web cams already and want to run their output into an
>Ethernet cable. What's required to do that? are there any older hardware
>options that might be suitable? Some kind of embedded processor board that
>could be pushed into this service?
>I've considered an older laptop, but getting power to it is not feasible
>over Ethernet - some lower power solution is needed....
>I have a very small parallel port print server here (which has a web
>interface and DHCP in it and has suitably low power requirements) - I
>wondered if I could somehow use it for the purpose. It transmits back into
>the LAN when the printer is out of paper, so it must be somehow
>Anyone have any ideas or other suggestions? or links to someone who has set
>this up?
>Joe Hovel
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