[MLB-WIRELESS] Orinoco Card

Luke Shillabeer kiwwa at optusnet.com.au
Sun Aug 1 13:54:22 EST 2004

Heya everyone,

I just recently purchased an Orinoco card, and I'm in need of some advice as
to what type of small antenna I should stick on it for home use and such.

Can anybody shed any light as to what I should do, I've got a Minitar WAP
about 20M away from my current card. 

ALSO, I've currently got a  Spirit Wireless Card (PIECE OF SHIT!) in the
laptop, and the signal keeps dropping randomly, even when the computer is
set still. The computer is running Windows 2000 and upgrading or changing
the OS is out of question (parents use it for work and work won't change
their OS, they'll just re-image it with 2000), got any advice?

 Kindest Regards,

- Luke Shillabeer (AKA: Kiwwa)

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