[MLB-WIRELESS] Minitar specs

Craig Mead craig.mead at pagesmith.com.au
Tue Sep 30 16:15:00 EST 2003

> > Quote from below: "SVEC outputs 15dbm/30mw, Minitar output 18dbm/40mw"
> >
> > If the Minitar output is 18dBm, wouldn't that be 60mw?
> I'll go back and recheck with the amatuer radio operators that did the
math on it, hell
> i may have just heard it wrong

We've been trying to figure this out as well up here.

We're thinking it might be a bit of a number fudge.

Unit output = 30mW / 14.77dBm
Antenna gain = 3dB (at a guess)

Total output = 17.77dBm / 59.84 mW

Which kinda covers both options!


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