Rowan Crowe rowan at sensation.net.au
Fri Sep 26 10:37:22 EST 2003

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, vak wrote:

> How did everyone's masts fair in the 100+ kmh winds we've just
> experienced the last week or so ?

I don't have a mast currently, but a lot of the green fibreglass on the
front verandah has ripped off. I've also given up keeping my car clean
this week, every time it rains it gets dusty dots all over it. ;)

A mast at my old place did come down once in high winds... luckily it
wasn't super tall, or heavy (or loaded with too much expensive
equipment!). It bent sideways and ended up resting on the neighbours


Rowan Crowe - Melbourne, Australia

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