[MLB-WIRELESS] longest link?

Clae clae at tpg.com.au
Wed Oct 29 00:36:26 EST 2003

At 4:35 PM +1100 28/10/03, paul van den bergen wrote:
>On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 04:25 pm, Ed wrote:
>  > How about over water with say 100m clearance?
>The height of the Freznel Zone at the
>centre plus the drop in height as the earth drops away from that centre will
>give you the height of the antenna mount you will need at both ends (or
>double at one end.)...

And of course, don't forget that the curvature of the earth applies 
to water as well.

--- The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long 
plastic hallway where thieves run free, and good men die like dogs. 
There's also a negative side.  --- Hunter S. Thompson ---

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