[MLB-WIRELESS] Minitar specs, Linux and the GPL

Gordon Staines gstaines at theage.com.au
Wed Oct 1 09:07:48 EST 2003

Ok, i hope Im not going over old ground, but how do we know that this AP 
actually RUNS linux? I see no documentation anywhere stating the fact. 
But I see plenty of info and the source for the cards which is to be 
expected, but not the AP.

Presumably when we refer to the AP's firmware we are refering to some 
sort of customised Linux? If so, can someone point me in the right 
direction to where I'd be able to find out more info on this. I know 
that some Linksys APs run a customised linux kernal, and that they have 
yet to release a fully working archive of the source which they must do 
when asked under the GPL. There was a thread on /. regarding this.

I would assume that Minitar may be in the same position if its firmware 
is indeed a GNU Linux kernal. Has anyone asked for the source?

Either way I still think this AP is excellent value.


Gordon Staines

Jon Teh wrote:

>On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 04:13:44PM +1000, Gordon Staines wrote:
>>Thanks for this information, I was not aware of this, I am very 
>>impressed to see that it runs Linux. Perhaps we/someone should update 
>>the hardware guide with this useful information.
>>At $90. the mintars are obviously excellent value
>Oh yeah, some more features I forgot to mention:
>The Minitar supports WDS mode (AP+Repeater mode), client mode, 256bit AES
>WEP, TKIP key exchange, 802.1x/EAP with RADIUS, MAC access control, and DHCP
>It has 1MB Flash memory, 8MB SDRAM.
>It has a 12V 0.5A power adapter, so presumably doesn't consume more than 6W.
>One disadvantage I can see is that it's only specified for operating
>at between 10 and 40degrees, which might not suit the Australian outdoors
>But all in all, the Minitars go well above and beyond the call of duty for
>a $90 wireless AP.
>-- Jon Teh
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