[MLB-WIRELESS] Free P2P phones will pressure telcos

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Thu Nov 13 12:41:21 EST 2003

> If mobile phone wireless technology were adapted to data 
> traffic - GPRS seems 
> a logical use here - then a few things must follow. 1) data 
> rate costs must 
> fall to compete with wifi etc. and 2) VoIP would make serious 
> inroads into 
> the mobile phone (and conventional phone) market, with total 
> bluring of IP 
> and telecoms services.  telecos would become low margin 
> bitpipes instead of 
> high margin service providers.

It seems likely that the comms infrastructure will converge into IP some
years down the track.  Everything will be bits riding on IP.  It's rapidly
moving that way now.
> How would this happen? weeeeelllll if telstra were split into 
> a (govt. owned, 
> high grade) bitpipe and a private (shares) service company, 2 
> things would 

That's what they should have done in the first place, but I can't see it
happening now

> the nice thing about MW is that in one sense it is an 
> alternative (free - 
> speach not beer) version of the same thing...  if APANA and 
> MW etc. were 
> combined.... :-)

Well, like everything, there's probably both advantages and disadvantages to
this idea.  However, unless something else gets in the way, it would seem
reasonable to work together where goals are aligned.
> ofcourse, this is all just a bitpipe dream....


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