[MLB-WIRELESS] Getting net access around town - Optus Mobile Connect / MacDonalds / Other options...

Mike MacCana mikem at cyber.com.au
Thu Nov 6 14:02:13 EST 2003

Hey guys,

A couple of questions:

What's the best way to get (legal) internet access around town? 

* Optus Mobile Connect prices seem exorbitant at $10 an hour. 

* I haven't been able to find much current info on the Telstra /
McDonalds wifi network

* I'm not sure what other options there are round.

How do they handle authentication at these places? AFAICT the Optus
stuff seems to be by a web proxy, which should be pretty Linuxable. But
anyone else have experience using these services with Linux?

Mike MacCana	          Consultant            RHCX, MCSE, MCP+I
Cybersource: Providing Quality IT Professional Services for 11 Years
Specialists in Unix/Linux, TCP/IP and Web Application Development
Level 4, 10 Queen St, Melbourne.  Ph : 03 9621 2377 Fax: 03 9621 2477

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