[MLB-WIRELESS] 802.11 jobs (part time)
paul van den bergen
pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
Thu May 22 09:50:52 EST 2003
Hi all,
there MAY be some work available (this is tentative - via a friend of a
collegue of my wife!). the work is installing 802.11 gear in schools and is
likely to be parttime (no idea of wages, likely looking for low end - because
they were specifically after students...)
still, thought it might be of interest.
If you are interested:
please contact me off list on my private email (gabpaul at melbpc.org.au) and I
will pass on contact details.
> I know of a company that is seeking part time staff to help implement
> wireless networks in schools. They would need to understand 802.11 and a
> reasonable understanding of MS or Novell networks so that they can work
> with minimal supervision. There a coupld of roles that could start
> yesterday. If you have any third years, honours or postgrads who might be
> looking for some part-time work, please ask them to contact me
Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
"And some run up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stones
to pieces wi' hammers, like so many road makers run daft.
They say it is to see how the world was made."
Sir Walter Scott, St. Ronan's Well 1824
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