Jeremy Lunn
jeremy at austux.net
Wed May 14 19:31:33 EST 2003
An important function of any network is usually to be able to
communicate with other users. That's one thing that pretty much
couldn't be done with legacy IM networks (eg ICQ, MSNM, AIM, etc) over
Melb-Wireless since they are all dependent on centralised servers (that
alone is a good enough reason not to use them even if you do have
Internet connectivity).
Fortunately Jabber exists and it's already well used with a raft of
clients and server implementations already available. There are
thousands of Jabber servers (unfortunately I've yet to find any public
servers in Australia) world wide and millions of users. In fact a few
Melb-Wireless members already use it over the Internet.
Overall however, it seems that the use of Jabber in Australia is very
limited. I'd like to see it become *the* standard IM in Australia so
I'm in the midst of trying to start an Incorporated Association to
promote it's use. If anyone would be interested in being on the
committee of such an organisation please let me know. Likewise, if you
know anyone who may be interested or if you can offer some advise about
incorporating then do the same.
Further can be found at details at:
You can contact me on Jabber with my Jabber ID:
jeremy at austux.net
Jeremy Lunn
Melbourne, Australia
http://psi.sf.net/ - Jabber client for Linux/win32/MacOS.
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