[MLB-WIRELESS] Melbwirelses DNS and Domain Names

andrewg at d2.net.au andrewg at d2.net.au
Mon May 12 11:56:19 EST 2003


Whatever, but given the chance for ppl to implement dnssec across the
board, and for people to run their own DNS servers, would be good. *shrug*
even more fun when it comes along and people want:-

- Their own domain on the internet. (ie, claws.felinemenace.org, referring
to a box of mine, for example) and,
- Routing /their/ address space on the melb-wireless network. (ie, shortest
path, fastest network, stuff.)

So far, I'm surprised somebody hasn't mentioned this, and wants to this.
That said, I'm sure this will flame a few conversations.

- andrewg.

BTW: using "real-world" DNS isn't that much of a problem (ie, uhm,
blackhole.mw.cwn.net.au (or something ;)) it would only lead to possible
problems for people setting it up. And most people probably wouldn't want
to go through setting up split DNS resolving and stuff. (An easy way I can
see of doing, is dividing the root DNS servers into multiple groups, and
concurrently resolve an address on the groups of root servers.... any
takers for modifying $favourite_dns_server?) ;)

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