Fenn Bailey fenn_b at smktech.com.au
Mon May 12 12:45:53 EST 2003

> So Sausages v6 is designed to overcome chronic food shortages 
> which persist
> in some Third World countries?  Do you need a V6 compatible 
> BBQ to cook
> Sausages V6? :)

You do need a V6 compatible BBQ and mouth, but to get it from one to the
other, you just need to wrap it in a SausageV4 bread layer. This is need to
do sauce re-writing and other magic like that ;)

What I'm interested in is the concept of mesh-barbequing, eg: A
decentralized heat source that allows participants UNLIMITED cooking for
free, so long as they're within range, and have LOS (line of smell).
Security does become an issue, however, I belive some people are working on
suitable meat authentication called NoFatNet.


Err.. this is just getting silly...


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