[MLB-WIRELESS] Melbwirelses DNS and Domain Names

andrewg at d2.net.au andrewg at d2.net.au
Mon May 12 12:05:55 EST 2003

>> > Not using global public DNS seems ludicrous to me, and is not future
>> > proof at all.
> I see using public DNS is the best way to make sure it works for
> everyone.
>> >
>> Specially when it comes to IPv6 (sorry, I had to mention that.)
> IPv6 will rule one day :)

Eventually, when we have no need for legacy systems, the routing
infrastructure is in place (ie, not multiple hop tunnels, etc). That said,
I'm curious to know if you can get ipv6 routing capability within a .au
ISP, and not rely on tunnels. Last time that was brought up on NANOG, only
two ISPs where listed, and one caught the flak for being "fake" or
something. (The summary was, iirc, somebody lied to obtain an ASN).

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- andrewg

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