[MLB-WIRELESS] Melbwirelses DNS and Domain Names

Matt matthew.c.boyd at uts.edu.au
Mon May 12 16:21:02 EST 2003

That ip address is reserved for private networks, you won't be able to 
connect to it from the internet. There aren't any controls over who uses 
that ip address, the only control that meb-wireless has is an agreement 
amongst each other to use particular addresses within that range.

At 03:59 PM 12/5/2003 +1000, Ryan Abbenhuys wrote:
>What happens if someone uses a proper address, say www.wantirna-ap1.net.au
>which resolves to by using the wireless.org.au box, but then
>someone out on the net starts using that IP address for a real site.
>Is that possible?

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