[MLB-WIRELESS] Melbwirelses DNS and Domain Names

Fenn Bailey fenn_b at smktech.com.au
Mon May 12 17:03:56 EST 2003

> > Why not have a two working domains for each node ala
> <nodestuff>.<internal domain> and <nodestuff>.<external domain>.
> that's not a bad idea, but it means when something needs 
> changing, it has to
> be changed in two locations....which kyboshes it IMHO

It could be automated without too much hassle - in fact, it could _almost_
be done with a single NFS mount and nothing else, eg:
 - Setup bind appropriately on two separate machines, one of them setup to
be authorative on the real interweb for *.wan.wireless.org.au and one to be
authorative on internal IP space (and WLAN connected) for *.mw (or watever).

Setup the named.conf appropriately.

Mount your zone file to a common place. Symlink to taste.

This would come oh-so-very close to working without any intervention. Any
changes required can be made to the file (ideally via some sort of
authenticated web interface - No, don't look at me people ;) which would
instantly exist on both nameservers (after a reload).

The only thing that springs to mind that would break would be the SOA type
stuff.. I don't know bind _quite_ well enough to make a decisive call on
this :)


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