[MLB-WIRELESS] 802.11b channels question...

paul van den bergen pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
Wed May 7 12:08:32 EST 2003

Hi all,

I have been writing up some 802.11b lectures recently and digging around for 
information... and I noticed something interesting.

we all know the channels overlapping thing right?

according to ieee standard 802.11b 1999 (see ieee.org), we have 14 channels, 
22 MHz wide, starting at channel 1, centred at 2.412 GHz and each cahnnel is 
offset by 5MHz up to channel 13.
Now, channel 14 is offset from channel 13 not by 5 MHz, but by 12 MHz...

ch 13 centred at 2.472 (2.461 - 2.483)
ch 14 centred at 2.484 (2.473 - 2.495)

so ch14 is clear of the top of ch 11.

so that seems to indicate that if we select ch 1, 6, 11 and 14, we will have 4 
clear channels!!!!

some one tell me I'm wrong...

and while we are at it, can someone direct me to the specification that states 
what channels are applicable to Australia...

I believe we can use all 14 channels, but the IEEE 802.11b doc lists eg. USA 
ch 1-13 and Japan as ch 14 _only_... I have been under the misapprehention 
that we here in Aus follow the Japan model which allows the use of any 

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
"And some run up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stones 
to pieces wi' hammers, like so many road makers run daft. 
They say it is to see how the world was made."
Sir Walter Scott, St. Ronan's Well 1824 

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