[MLB-WIRELESS] 802.11g linux compatible cards.

Jason Leigh Lade jlade at avant.com.tw
Tue May 6 17:46:41 EST 2003

Do you mind me asking what did you pay for them? Also I spoke to the
manufacturer today, they have two versions one is 200mW output the other
is 100mW output. Is it o.k to get the 200mW for use in Australia. I do
see that the cards have different channels for different countries.


Cameron McCormack wrote:

>Jason Leigh Lade:
>>Well if that's the case has anyone used the senao cards? I saw them on
>>the Seattle Wireless' website.
>>I'm in Taiwan so the card looks like it is reasonably priced but just
>>after some opinions.
>>Also i think their output power is 200mW.
>>Any experience would be great.
>I have two of them.  (Branded as Netgate (www.netgate.com).)  I just
>the other day got some antennas and pigtails for them, so when I get
>some free time (not any time this week though probably -_-) I'll give
>em a shot.
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