[MLB-WIRELESS] 802.11g linux compatible cards.

Jason Leigh Lade jlade at avant.com.tw
Tue May 6 10:02:31 EST 2003

Hi Rik,

I read on the Buffalo Internet Site that they would offer software
upgrades, or if necessary replace the device. I also read a review,
forget where now but they compared this on a range of a few of the
manufacturers and They noted that buffalo and Belkin, said that they
would stand by their product. But Belkin said it the clearest.

Hope this helps


whether or not they would at the end of the day, remains to be seen. But
with their first runs they might run a bit on an FPGA. Then I guess it
just needs reprogramming to meet the standards.

rik wrote:

>i have never heard of anyone willing to replace it, which company offers
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Jason Leigh Lade" <jlade at avant.com.tw>
>To: <melbwireless at wireless.org.au>
>Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 5:58 PM
>Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] 802.11g linux compatible cards.
>>I am interested in getting into wireless. But obviously would like to
>>get the fastest available. I know that 802.11g isn't ratified yet. But I
>>see that some manufacturers are willing to upgrade or replace if need be
>>when the standard is finalised.
>>Anyway what I'm really interested is if anyone has tried any with Linux
>>and if so what where the results.
>>What would be a good choice, as I would also like an external antenna.
>>Basically I want a PCMCIA for my notebook (or USB) and I'm guessing an
>>access point.
>>Any help would be appreciated.
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