[MLB-WIRELESS] DLink Gear - Where I recommend you go.

Joe Hovel joe.hovel at med.monash.edu.au
Thu May 1 20:01:40 EST 2003

Vak et al,
We (Bendigo Wireless group www.bendigowireless.net) have now established
that the AP900+ has an issue with working in AP mode. We have tested and
retested a number of AP900+, a number of antennas (D-link, Hills, self
manufactured and modified payTV antennas) on a variety of cable lengths.
In each case, the AP worked perfectly in client mode, irrespective of
what was connected to it, but in AP mode, they are very fickle! Any
losses or less than optimal setup (eg distance or tree braches in the
fresnel zone) will result in major packet losses from 10% to 95%.
We also tested my AP900 (not+) and it does not exhibit this behaviour!
In a "commercial" installation in which two of our members are
responsible, a link between the hospital and one of its clinics was
unworkable and they returned the D-link APs and replaced them Cisco (no
other changes at all: same cables, same antennas) and the system has
been running at full 11Mbps ever since - out of the box.
We are currently extending our tests with a Lucent AP (mine) and a
D-link AP900+ in client mode. Thus far (no more than 700 meters) this
seems to also work flawlessly.
Just to confirm: we have tried both 2.5.2 and 2.5.6 Firmware and the
2.5.6 makes it simply MUCH worse.
Thanks for selling me the AP 900 (not +) ;)


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