[MLB-WIRELESS] can't be bothered searching my mail folder...

Donovan Baarda abo at minkirri.apana.org.au
Thu Mar 27 15:30:49 EST 2003

On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 13:24, tyson wrote:
> As an aside, I'd be interested in finding out which is their favourite
> Linux distro.  RedHat has a strong presence it the market, but since
> they are now using more aggressive strategies to entice users to sign up
> (ie: pay) for the RedHat Network, it would be interesting to see why
> (if?) people choose RedHat over other distros such as SuSE, Mandrake,
> Debian, etc.  I don't want to know about the virtues of other *nix
> variants for the moment, I only want thoughts about preferred Linux
> distros.  No O/S flame war intended, send your thoughts to me and I'll
> collate them and report back with an answer.

Man... flame bait!

Sooner or later, once people become proficient using any flavor of
Linux, they end up migrating to Debian. From there they might make
occasional forays into other Debian based distro's, but they always come
back to the perpetual rock that is Debian when those distro's fold.

If they never become proficient with Linux, they usually go back to

If they were Mac people to begin with, they never try anything else,
because "why do it the hard way". Ironically people trying to migrate to
Mac wonder why Mac people don't seem to realize _they_ are doing it the
hard way. (I'm talking about OS9 here, OSX is different, because it's
really unix pretending to be Mac... but most hard core Mac people are
not fooled).

Then there are BSD people... arguably the final evolution of hard core
OS freaks. These guys get warm secure feelings of control by knowing
that _everything_ on their system was compiled by themselves, and coded
by security paranoid control freaks who don't accept any code they
didn't write themselves (or at least security audit themselves). They
see the chaotic feature-rich collective evolution of Linux as the chaos
that it is.

(Disclaimer: I'm a Debian person).

ABO: finger abo at minkirri.apana.org.au for more info, including pgp key

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