Jamie Lovick jalovick at doof.org
Sat Mar 22 17:22:31 EST 2003


On 22 Mar 2003, Donovan Baarda wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 11:38, rik wrote:
> > does there AUP say a ORG may share there access?
> There is a ORG that has an AUP that says ORGs' can share their
> access... :-)
> http://www.melb.apana.org.au/

APANA having an ARBN may be an issue, we just have to clarify that the
ACA doesn't see an ARBN as being the same as an ABN in our case.



Jamie Lovick    <->  IT Consultant    <-> +614 1479 1681
Hobby     : Doof.org                   -> jalovick at doof.org
Director  : Drastic Solutions Pty Ltd  -> jalovick at drasticsolutions.com.au
----- Public Relations Officer - the Australian Wireless Association -----

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