[MLB-WIRELESS] Mast mounted wish list

Jamie Moir jmoir at jmcs.net.au
Sat Mar 22 13:14:28 EST 2003

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Lyndon David wrote:

> It would have one radio and one ethernet.

Just to be difficult, I have noticed a small linux based AP that had
ethernet and two wlan cards, the idea being you link to the next AP up
the foodchain with the other wlan card.

> Have the RF connector mounted in the top of the box so that you can screw a
> small omni directly to the top of the unit without having to use any
> expensive LMR cable.

I really dont like that idea at all. I dont think most boxes would be
robust enough to handle the leverage a wind loaded omni could generate. I
know signal pwr doesnt grow on trees but a small length of cable like a
pigtail isnt going to have a dramatic effect on what you get to the

> Industrial extended temperature range (-40 to +85 C) as this thing will be
> up a pole anywhere from Australia to Norway. Dont think I have ever seen a
> wireless card with this temp spec.

In WA some people have those cabletron ruggardized APs in remote areas,
these seem to hack at least 60 degrees.

> mini ITX motherboards.
> Very cheap, small, no fans if using VIA Eden processor. Add an IDE to CF
> converter for no moving parts. Power supply is a bit of a pain as it runs
> from an ATX supply. Not ideal for headless operation unless the BIOS can be
> told to redirect to the serial port. (have not read the manual)

The need for CF-IDE would be obviated by these new boards with the onboard
pcmcia and CF adapters, assuming they decided to make them bootable in

Someone made a mention of using ATA flash, and I cant find the message
right now...

If you look at how distros like gibraltar run I cant really see them
wearing out the CF in any hurray. When boots it unpacks a ramdisc into ram
and largely works out of that. When it shuts down it optionally alters
these before shutting down. While running there is no writing done to the

> PS I have been looking at Australian ISPs and they charge by the Mb. What
> the F*** is that about ?

It is a quaint australian custom, just dont get used to it, maintain the
rage =)


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