[MLB-WIRELESS] not-a-working-group to build prototype nodes

Jamie Lovick jalovick at doof.org
Fri Mar 21 17:36:32 EST 2003

On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, jimmy at deefa.com wrote:
> ::Hardware::
> At this stage, I'm thinking both should be as compact as possible, and
> probably using CF as its storage medium.

When using CF, you want to be careful not to reach the maximum write's
.. ATA flash is a better choice.

> ::Software::
> To go with the hardware prototypes, we'd need a small distro that
> can fit on a cf card (16/32meg?)
> Andrew Giffiths has been working on one for a while, so we wouldn't
> need to start from scratch. On first boot it should display a series
> of simple questions to the user (ip address, area, dhcpd settings,
> which interfaces are p2p, root password, etc) so that configuration
> is semi-automatic, making it a painless process.
> At this stage it will implement OSPF (invisibly to the user - the
> initial setup questions should provide Zebra with the info it
> needs), but down the track, we should be able to change to a more
> suitable system if something becomes available.
> It should also support most of the major cards (where possible) and
> auto load the appropriate drivers.
> The distro should be version numbered, so that if things work out
> and it gets taken up by many node operators, there can be some
> upgrade process (scp, bring their cf card to a meet, whatever) to
> make sure they have access to new network features, etc.
> I'd have nfi where to start with the software stuff, so hopefully
> some others might be more cluey on it than i am :)

We've been working on a distro up here, which is HostAP/WDS based, with
a fairly simple setup and OSPF/BGP (from memory).

Send an Email to our technical list
(technical at lists.sydneywireless.com) for more details.

Maybe the next time I am in Melbourne, we can do a demo (I am down next
weekend, but it's not quite mature enough at the moment).



Jamie Lovick    <->  IT Consultant    <-> +614 1479 1681
Hobby     : Doof.org                   -> jalovick at doof.org
Director  : Drastic Solutions Pty Ltd  -> jalovick at drasticsolutions.com.au
----- Public Relations Officer - the Australian Wireless Association -----

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