Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Thu Mar 20 13:11:40 EST 2003

> I've been skipping over the "TIB is/isn't for xxxx" arguments. I know
> many feel TIB should not be for commercial promotion of not 
> particularly
> special deals. 
> Regardless, I kind of like the idea of a public reverse auction, where
> retailers/individuals try to under-bid each other to sell us stuff,
> instead of us having to shop around for the best deal. If TIB 
> is not for
> this, then can we have something else that is?

Well, this in itself could lead to "not so special" becoming "something
special. :-)

Only caveat is multiple TIB announcements from a bidding war might drop the
S/N on the list a tad ;)

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