Fenn Bailey
fenn_b at smktech.com.au
Thu Mar 20 11:34:49 EST 2003
> Well lets get some consensus on exactly what we want within
> the next 2 weeks and the
> committee will begin to formalise any action points by the
> next committee meeting.
Sorry for lack of replies peoples, I've had (many) other things to
attend to which have kept me from my usual activities.
The above post is probably the most important one to me. ALL of thing
things discussed Re: TIB have been really valuable, and I now realise I
have a feature list (including conflicting features) as long as as the
wireless link I wish I had ;)
This is probably partly my fault in regards to maintaining/updating
features requests, but if someone would like to organise a core set of
enhancements in order of priority (I would particularly like the people
who have used TIB from a practical sense (eg: Vak and Simon B) to be
involved), then I am more than happy to implement them.
I have also been in contact with James Healy with regards to coming up
with a more unified single-signon concept for the nodedb/TIB and
user-integration (and with the MelbWireless site in general).
Sadly, I have been very slack with keeping up with correspondence with
both James and other people (I will reply to your email sometime Simon,
I swear ;) mostly due to time constraints at the moment (the same reason
I haven't been attending meetings so much any more).
Those in RGCentral will know that I haven't lost inspiration or
anything, mearly time ;)
In addition to this, the requirements that I see are necessary (and my
subsequent looking over the TIB code), means that I am actually keen on
re-writing it from the ground up (some of the stuff in there makes me
shudder at its implementation). This would actually probably be quicker
than trying to tack inherently incompatible features on to the existing
Because of this, it may be a good idea to pop together a bit of a team
and maybe write it between us. I know there are a lot of PHP/*SQL type
programmers on the list who are more than competant to pop together a
relatively simple app, so maybe I can come up with a base framework and
get volunteers to implement certain features.
Either way, the most important thing is to get a mutually agreeable,
proritised list of features/things that we want TIB to do (maybe the
committee can help make it official) and then we can work through the
list as we get the time to.
Thanks all,
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