[MLB-WIRELESS] Passive repeater

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Mon Mar 17 10:47:37 EST 2003

> ha anyone had any experience with a passive 802.11b repeater setup?

Haven't tried it myself, but in certain situations, it can work.
> something like:
> wired lan <--> antenna <--> 802.11b(20km's) <--> antenna <--> 
> coax <-->
> antenna <--> 802.11b(200m's) <--> antenna <--> coax <--> wired lan

I think the combination of 20km link and passive repeater might be pushing
things a bit far.  If the first hop was 1km, you'd be in with a good chance.

> Is this possible? I seem to remember something about losing 
> 50% of signal by
> passively bouncing like this?

You lose a LOT more than 50%.  I feel the 20km hop would most likely leave
the resulting signal levels too low for a passive repeater to work (unless
you have REALLY BIG dishes!).  If you were to try it, you would need to be
running the maximum EIRP at both ends, and for the repeater itself, get the
BIGGEST dishes you can physically install (can be any gain - well up until
the point council by-laws start biting ;), since it's technically not a
transmitting device).

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