[MLB-WIRELESS] Enterasys upgrade to 128bit WEP

sanbar sandbar at ozemail.com.au
Wed Mar 5 12:34:54 EST 2003

Word of caution. I did this to both of my cards. They work fine under
*nix but are as flakey as hell under Windows. Not sure if it's something
I've done wrong my end re Windows.
- Barry

On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 21:56, vak wrote:
> Hi Joshua,
> The only way I can confirm how to do this was shown to my by Jaymz and Grant
> (Node FUS).
> 1) Find yourself a spare G3/G4 Macintosh with an airport slot in it.
> 2) Load the Enterasys drivers onto the machine.
> 3) Plug your Enterasys card into the airport slot (leave the side of the
> computer case open).
> 4) Turn the machine on - it will automatically load the 8.7 firmware onto your
> card
> 5) Shut the Mac down
> 6) Voila - finished.
> I hope this helps somewhat.
> Regards,
> Vaskos
> -------
> -- 
> barry park
> melbourne wireless node bca http://melbourne.wireless.org.au
> community wireless project http://wireless.bur.st
> -=all your http_get are belong to us=-

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