[MLB-WIRELESS] Transparency?

Fenn Bailey fenn_b at smktech.com.au
Wed Jun 11 10:09:52 EST 2003

Hello all,

I have a question (surprise!) - I am now the proud owner of a Rob Clark
downpipe waveguide antenna. Now - due to where it may end up living, I
potentially need the ability to make it less intrusive. Personally, I'm a
bit of a fan of galvanised iron, but I have a feeling that not everyone is

So, my question is - Does anyone know of a range of paints that are
DEFINITELY 2.4GHz radio-transparent?

I don't want to go ruining my antenna by painting it with radio-opaque paint
;) On that note, does anyone know how radio transparent polystyrene is? Or,
failing that, does anyone know of any sites that do an actual analysis of
this sort of thing (with various materials).

Any advice is welcome - thank ye all,


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