[MLB-WIRELESS] who are you??

Andrew Griffiths andrewg at d2.net.au
Sat Jun 7 07:39:28 EST 2003

Alex Musgrove wrote:
> Ok, I'm in Dromana,  node FOD
> Saturday night (exciting night all round) I was up on my roof stumbling, 
> with a 25dbi Hill,  I picked up
> Network             MAC
> BETH                00 40 96 26 55 94
> ADE_SHCN       00 40 96 28 C6 EF

 From memory, I can pick up the above network, I'm node FLK. Granted, my 
node isn't running at the moment, and hasn't been for a while... maybe 

> 23WEDS54Y6    00 40 96 26 2F 7C
> if these ppl are present, please tell me who you are... I'm very 
> interested to find out where you are...
> cheers,
>             Alex

<Kahless> geez, u climb the highest mountain, netstumble the highest 
mast, but
you suck one cock........
<Clonefish> No thanks
<Kahless> hey, it wasn't an invitation........
<RokLobsta> or you help luigi build his house, guiseppe to get his business
going and you save the town from a meteor, but you fuck one goat....
<Kahless> that's the one
<Clonefish> Mmmmkay.....
<swarm> um
<swarm> next topic plz

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