[MLB-WIRELESS] linux/debian/knoppix-std help

sandbar sandbar at ozemail.com.au
Thu Jul 24 12:37:55 EST 2003

rick wrote:
> you know when linux boots up how do you get all that info in a handy txt
> file as all my wireless stuff isnt booting its saying root doesnt have
> access

	cat /var/log/messages > /home/rick/bootup.txt
	dmesg >> /home/rick/bootup.txt

> also how do i get eth1 to load up in dhcp?
> ifconfig eth1 up dhcp ?

as rewt:
	/sbin/ifup eth1
	/usr/sbin/dhcpd eth1
Or, if you mean "how do I get eth1 to grab a dynamically assigned IP 
	/sbin/dhclient eth1

- Barry

barry park
-=all your http_get are belong to us=-

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