[MLB-WIRELESS] Reverse Engineered 802.11b+ Drivers

Barry Park bpark at theage.fairfax.com.au
Mon Jul 21 22:09:13 EST 2003

This is good. Very good. Just posted on /.

Posted by Hemos on Monday July 21, @07:59AM
from the if-you-build-it-they-will-use-it dept.
orv writes "When Andreas Mohr found that his new wireless networking card
wasn't supported under Linux rather than returning the card and getting
himself a supported one, he decided to set up a project to write his own
drivers instead - http://acx100.sourceforge.net. Companies such as D-Link
had initially promised to release linux drivers for these cards but later
backed down from that promise and announced that Linux would not be
supported and that customers should not hold on to the cards in the hope of
getting them working, as shown on their current FAQ. Texas Instruments, the
makers of the chipsets upon which these 802.11b+ cards are based refused to
release code or specifications for the cards, no doubt for similar reasons
that were recently discussed here. The fact that the current alpha release
is certainly as good, and in some areas better, than the binary drivers that
escaped from one of the card manufactureres speaks volumes for the quality
and determination of the team to create their own drivers."

More at

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