[MLB-WIRELESS] [Fwd: [VicFUG-general] It worked!]

sanbar sandbar at ozemail.com.au
Tue Jul 15 10:24:03 EST 2003

K, how can we help this guy stream wirelessly for a real-time video
feed? Rocket man?
- Barry

-----Forwarded Message-----

> From: John Birrell <jb at cimlogic.com.au>
> To: general at vicfug.au.freebsd.org
> Subject: [VicFUG-general] It worked!
> Date: 14 Jul 2003 20:27:16 +1000
> FreeBSD had it's first ride on a race bike over the weekend. And it worked. Yippee!
> Like any prototype, there are lots of issues to solve.
> The camera I was using didn't like the winter sun and decided to close it's eye every time it saw it.
> The camera is also interlaced, so there is a bit too much video shear.
> My driver doesn't stream the video to disk smoothly enough, probably because I didn't
> mount the file system synchronously. This caused a few frames to be dropped here and there.
> A 7 lap race with a sighting lap and a warmup lap comes in at about 560 Mb for full size PAL. That
> will grow a bit when I get the audio in, but it still fits nicely on a CD.
> It got a good reaction from those who stopped by for a look.
> I'll bring a CD to the next dinner just to boast. Hehehehehe.
> -- 
> John Birrell
> <http://r1-magic.ws/>

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