[MLB-WIRELESS] xDSL to Regional and Interstate nodes. - Melbo urne growth or lack thereof - Public thanks

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Fri Jul 11 08:32:03 EST 2003

>  I too wanted to provide services for people to use, but 
> didn't factor in
> the use of Linux. Sorry, I'm a windows user from way back. 
> I've tried to
> learn it but frankly Linux pisses me off greatly. I see it as 
> never really
> making it onto the average users desktop if they have to install it
> themselves. Make? Make install, make config, edit, config, 
> install, compile,
> debug.... no thanks. install.exe thanks. I want to get 
> involved but having
> to learn a new OS to the level of a support expert just puts me off.

Well, Linux is not THAT bad.... once you get used to it.  A lot of your
problem is probably the fact you know Windows already - it has been shown
that new Linux users (who have never used Windows before) seem to pick it up
as quickly as new Windows users pick up Windows.  It's the "conversion" that
is the difficult process. :-)

However, help is at hand - there are not one, but _two_ Linux user groups in
Melbourne, namely Linux Users Victoria and Melbourne Linux Users Group.
Have a look at


MLUG is particularly "newbie friendly" and has a more "social" feel.  LUV
tends to attract a higher proportion of professionals and experienced Linux
tinkerers (both groups have their share of gurus, however).

For the record, I'm member of both groups, though more active in MLUG
(simply because the meeting times suit me better).

As for "progress", the biggest barrier for me has been physics...
microwaves don't like low places.  However, I'll throw something up over the
next few weeks... If anyone can hook up, go for it. :-)

Initially, I'll use the ssid "wireless.org.au". :-)

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