Gizi gizi at iinet.net.au
Wed Jul 9 13:04:09 EST 2003


I too have been thinking about a solution to linking wireless groups over
large (interstate) distances.  The solution I came up with was one using
ISPs that provide free P2P within each state and bridging each state with
wireless links.  I'm not so sure how your ISP will like this :-/

Basically pick a town on the border of the state, say Albury/Wodonga
(NSW/VIC), gather up 3-4 ADSL users (preferably interested in wireless) from
each town, use a percentage of there bandwidth and a single (or multiple for
redundancy) wireless link over the border.

Using a standard 512/128 ADSL account...

So in its simplest form you have (and the opposite from MEL>SYD):
SYD2 -- (512 ADSL Down) -> ALB ~~ (11mbps wlan) ~> WOD -- (128 ADSL Up) ->

The bottleneck is obviously the upload path (128kbps) but using multiple
ADSL accounts with some form of load sharing you could do:
  >WOD1 -- (128kbps ADSL) -\
~>WOD2 -- (128kbps ADSL) --> MEL
  >WOD3 -- (128kbps ADSL) -/

Then of course comes multiple links for redundancy and less impact on
individuals ADSL connection.

Worth a tinker if ever an Albury Wodonga wireless group should appear in the


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jamie Lovick" <jalovick at doof.org>
To: <melbwireless at wireless.org.au>
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 12:15 PM
Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] xDSL to Node GHO

> Hi,
> I am sure this is going to be a rather contested topic, but I am willing
> to jump into the frey.
> What does everyone think of a ADSL link to GHO to interlink the
> Melbourne and Sydney wireless networks?
> Through a deal I have arranged with my employer, United IP, on behalf of
> the AWAi, we have available to us xDSL tails which would terminate here
> in Sydney, allowing wireless networks to interlink.
> The pricing deal is as follows. These tails are Telstra wholesale tails,
> sourced via Connect.com. It is a DSL tail only, no Internet bandwidth is
> included. Other speeds are available, but these are the cheapest tails
> that are available to us.
> Metro means any captial cities, and Regional is any non-metro area.
> Speed       Metro       Regional
> 256/64      $ 56.87     $ 66.55
> 512/128     $ 71.39     $ 78.65
> 1.5/256     $104.06     $118.58
> The install is around $150.
> I don't expect that these prices will change any time soon, but I cannot
> gurantee it. If their tail costs go up, so will ours.
> A 1.5/256 which essentially would give us a 256K symetrical link with
> overhead going down would be $104.06 a month.
> I know there are Internet deals which may look fairly similar in price,
> but running a VPN over the Internet would cost alot more than a tail
> alone (yes, I know iiNet has bliink time, but that is only per state).
> Would that sort of figure be something that the group feels would be
> worth it for an interstate interconnect?
> There may be other alternatives, but this one is available, and fairly
> easy to do, however there will obviously be an ongoing cost.
> What does everyone think?
> Regards
> Jamie
> --
> Jamie Lovick    <->  IT Consultant    <-> +614 1479 1681
> Hobby     : Doof.org                   -> jalovick at doof.org
> Director  : Drastic Solutions Pty Ltd  -> jalovick at drasticsolutions.com.au
> ----- Public Relations Officer - the Australian Wireless Association -----
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