[MLB-WIRELESS] [TIB] A new offer has been added to TIB -23/01/2003

Fenn Bailey fenn_b at smktech.com.au
Fri Jan 24 11:55:52 EST 2003

> This is astoundingly cheap, and from the doco 
> it seems to be fully
> featured. What is wrong with it? What is it missing compared to the
> DL900 or DL900+ (aside from 22Mbps)?

Nothing as far as I know apart from the 100mw hack that you can do on
the dlinks. That and there's a LOT more documentation/people using the
Dlinks (afaik) and they're about the same price ($140 from vak).

> I figure a AP is the cheapest/easiest way to get an omni on 
> my roof. My
> concern with AP's is their lack of flexibility compared to a Linux box
> with AP capable WNIC. Is there anything that this AP can't do 
> that will
> make me wish I'd put a linux box in my roof?

There are some fairly important issues. These cannot do IBSS (ad-hoc)
mode, so anyone in your area who wants to go ad-hoc with an omni won't
be able to connect to you. They would be restricted to go to BSS as a
client, which means they cannot 'pass-on' their connectivity to anyone
else without a second interface. Unless of course they have an AP that
supports some sort of multipoint bridging (I don't even know if that's

The other issue is that you still need a PC to backup the AP if you want
to do anything like routing (OSPF/etc), in which case it's not really
all that much simpler.

It's a bit of a problem that there is no official standard for
melb-wireless configuration, though I believe IBSS is preferred (for the
reasons listed above).

On that note, I just bought one of the dlinks myself for the very reason
you listed above, but I'm planning on not making it my main node, just
as a 'repeater' to get a bit further (a means to an end).

So, overall (in my opinion), it's a bit of a much of a muchness - a card
in a box will give you much more flexibility and is around the same
price - it's just less convenient and probably more pricey when you add
up the cost of cabling/etc.

Anyway, I hope that helped :)


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