[MLB-WIRELESS] RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] instant AP for roamabout client

Fenn Bailey fenn_b at smktech.com.au
Thu Jan 23 11:19:54 EST 2003

This is correct as far as I know. I have a lucent AP (RG-1000), which
also has this option (I configure it using FreeBase) except that it is
actually labelled "Microwave Oven Robustness" (more specific).

However, I've never had the opportunity to test if it works because I
don't have a microwave :) (what sort of nerd am I?)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au 
> [mailto:owner-melbwireless at wireless.org.au] On Behalf Of Tony Langdon
> Sent: Thursday, 23 January 2003 10:23 AM
> To: 'Michael O'Brien'; melbwireless at wireless.org.au
> Subject: [MLB-WIRELESS] RE: [MLB-WIRELESS] instant AP for 
> roamabout client
> > I saw a mention of MicroWaveRobustness on another card 
> > (entrasys ?) where
> > they fragmented the traffic into smaller pieces to work better in an
> > environment where microwave ovens were causing interference. 
> > Apparently
> > there are gaps in the interference caused by the microwave 
> > oven and smaller
> > packets can get broadcast but larger ones get trashed.
> That makes sense.  From what I have seen, microwave 
> interference is rather
> "spikey", and smaller packets have a higher probability of 
> getting through
> between the spikes.
> I have seen something similar as well, and I've only really used the
> Enterasys cards..
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