[MLB-WIRELESS] Eastern region temporary mailing list

Dave Fregon axxs at axxs.org
Fri Jan 3 19:55:48 EST 2003

A temporary mailing list has been created to provide support and a sense
of community for the eastern region (
http://melbourne.wireless.org.au/nodes/area.php?id=8 ) of melbourne
wireless, till MW proper can host one itself. Thanks go to the comittee
for helping us get underway.


Also mentioned was that regular reports be made to melb-wireless mailing
list and I encourage other members to take on this role as soon as
possible, till then I'm quite happy to inform MW of major events on the

A sense of community will hopefully encourage people to build and
connect nodes in this region.

Currently NodeFMO is 24/7 with the following details:

ESSID - fmo.wireless.org.au
channel - 6
MAC - 00:E0:63:82:F8:DF
IP -

any IP is fine to connect on. Services such as DHCP will
be available shortly off NodeFMO (I'm struggling to find a 460CDT
toshiba compatible hard-drive, the newer drives are apparently not
compatible! the last karked it, and running a basic floppy router atm)
routing to the internal network is a matter of contacting myself. I'll
soon have a desktop to replace the lappy if no drive can be found.

NodeFNX is regularly connected, and soon it will be 24/7 as others
connect. NodeFOE is on and off and hopefully soon to put up a mast.

Our first aim is to get NodeGEQ into the fold in the next few weeks, and
looking at getting a long-link directional to get us out of the 'hole'
that is burwood in this region. We are looking hopefully toward Waverly
way as our views to the North West and West are restricted by Wattle
Park. A concern is the rise to the South East that possibly restricts
ourselves in this region to Nodes such as BEF and FHD. Discussion would
be great.

Anyone in these region is encouraged to join the list to work out links
and building up a network.

Dave aka Axxs on IRC

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