[MLB-WIRELESS] Fw: Internet Sharing

grenville armitage garmitage at swin.edu.au
Sun Feb 16 12:33:20 EST 2003

Donovan Baarda wrote:
> LOL. You've been a techie too long :-)

A cynical techie at that ;)

> These a politicians and lawyers... the "guarantee of Service Level" they
> are referring to is not a technical means of doing this, but a legal
> means...ie a document/contract.

In a world where digitally signed documents are starting to be
considered equivalent to "paper" documents I wouldn't be so sure.

In any case, at some point any IP QoS scheme relies on a documented
statement of how the protocol operates and what the users would expect
given certain protocol actions. The 'technical means' of achieving the
QoS request would simply be acting out a documented set of behaviors.
I could see a particularly narrow minded lawyer/govt-hack trying
it on...

Grenville Armitage

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