[MLB-WIRELESS] ssid naming conventions

Tony Langdon tlangdon at atctraining.com.au
Fri Feb 7 08:01:02 EST 2003

> Also, unless I'm going crazy, if you're using ad-hoc and are spanning
> multiple nodes (in a 'mesh' style), isn't it necessary to 
> have the same

To a point yes.  Also, if we're going to support roaming nodes, having to
change SSID all the time would be a pain.  I've been using wireless.org.au
on my systems since it was suggested here nearly a year ago.  As it is, if I
configure my system to access my AP at home, I can just as easily walk into
a MW meeting and hook up to an AP there, because the AP's are usually
configured with an SSID of wireless.org.au.
> Differentiation for point-to-point links can be done by 
> channel (or ssid
> if necessary), but it can cause it to be impossible to link if we all
> have our own SSIDs.

Use the node name in the stationID.
> 	Fenn.
> Someone please flame me if I'm grossly wrong ;)

Well spotted, if you ask me.

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