[MLB-WIRELESS] ssid naming conventions

Matthew Hill matthew.hill at matthewhillonline.com
Thu Feb 6 10:50:15 EST 2003

Melbourne Wireless.

I have had a thought and might be a decent one.

In regards to locfinder and ap’s ssids, I believe it might be a good idea to
have some sort of naming conventions in regards to them. Makes it a bit
easier when stumbling for MW nodes, and would look a bit neater.

Something like  : nodeXXX.wireless.org.au or nodeXXX.melbwireless.org.au
where XXX is your short node name, i.e mine is FSO :-)

Like to here some thoughts regarding it.


Matthew Hill

http://thebigfella.kicks-ass.org - Node FSO Wireless Lan
http://www.matthewhillonline.com - Matthew Hill Online
http://www.matthewhillonline.com/motorsport - Matthew Hill Motorsport

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