[MLB-WIRELESS] FW: XML.org Daily Newslink . Monday, 3 February 2003

Robert Foster rfoster at mountainvisions.com.au
Tue Feb 4 10:18:37 EST 2003

Interesting possibilities in this protocol...

-----Original Message-----
From: dee schur [mailto:dee.schur at oasis-open.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, 4 February 2003 2:43 AM
To: XML.org Daily News List
Subject: XML.org Daily Newslink . Monday, 3 February 2003


* Protocol Promises Faster Web Services

Protocol Promises Faster Web Services
Sandeep Junnarkar, CNET News.com

A proposed method for sharing information between systems linked
on the Internet promises to speed collaborative applications by
up to 10 times the current rates. The protocol is based on an
algorithm that lets it use parallel instead of serial methods
to process requests.



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