[MLB-WIRELESS] RAIDPort card for GA-686DLX

paul van den bergen pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
Mon Feb 3 14:15:36 EST 2003

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 01:34 pm, Matt Pearce wrote:
> 4.7 although you might want to have a play with ver 5.0.  I personally have
> had a little trouble with it and am waiting till it gets a bit more stable.

advice from the FreeBSD release team in fact suggests that if you are building 
production machines (er... well, machines where instability is an issue) then 
stick with 4.7 until at least 5.1 to 5.2 is released.

one might even consider it prudent to stick with a -stable release as opposed 
to 4.7-release...

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
pvandenbergen at swin.edu.au
Gnuru in training: Trancend the Geek

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